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How it Works
With Pi we offer you a multitude of different solutions. You can hire our developers, who are then project managed by our internal staff or we can just assign given developer to a project reporting into your own companies’ infrastructure. Either way, we offer a white gloved service which provides your firm with a cost-efficient method to expand your business.

Development Team Offering

The diverse coverage of PI will ensure that all of your business needs are satisfied. Outsourcing software programming & coding services to π can give your business the edge it deserves. We are pioneers in outsourcing and offer our clients with vast technical expertise, organized workflow management, good communication, cost-effective rates, and quick Turnaround. The team at PI will assure that you are covered in the following areas:
  • Placeholder
Database & System Architecture
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  • Placeholder
At currency π, we follow a stringent process to ensure that we provide our customers with 
high-quality software programming and coding services. 

After understanding our customer's requirements, we will define the scope of the project. Along with the customer, we will outline the project scope as well as specify the challenges of the project

During the stage of project planning, the high-level database design is outlined, the software structure is created and a risk management plan is defined. The entire project plan is also divided into different segments

Here, we document information & project description details, project deadline, & milestones that must be achieved. The team is provided training on these specifications & targets

In this stage, our software programmers will first develop and build the logic. Then they will write the codes and scripts.

After the programmers complete the coding, they will write codes to perform unit testing to check the validity of the written software

In the stage of integration, all the different modules of codes are integrated, in order to implement the functions of the application

The entire application is tested from a user’s perspective, and steps are rectified in debugging (in case of errors)

This is the final stage in the process. In this stage, the application is released
Apart from having years of experience in providing software programming services, we are also a certified in many given products. Outsourcing to π can help you save on the expenses of hiring and training new employees, providing benefits for new employees, managing an extra team and ensuring privacy.
Outsourcing programming can help you save 50-60% on costs when compared to an onshore project. We follow stringent processes and we will keep on track by sending reports on a daily basis. Our rigorous quality assurance processes ensure quality at every step in the process and fewer errors. Our experienced software programmers have expertise in programming services and coding. Outsourcing programming and software coding can also help you save time, effort, expensive technology/software and infrastructure.

At Pi development, we use the best in infrastructure and technology. We have high-end multimedia development facilities, high-speed leased line, a secure development environment, multi-platforms hardware facilities, continuous power supply, generator backup facilities and storage of project backups. When you outsource to π, you can be assured of confidentiality, security and privacy.
Project Management Services

Project management consultancy services are vital for high impact, time sensitive projects—those most critical to your organization’s success.
We specialize in planning, coordinating, and executing projects according to specific requirements and constraints. we perform some or all of the activities related to project work, from conceptualization to completion. ... The end goal is to complete the project on time and within budget.
Regulatory and Market Structure Consulting

With extensive experience of Regulatory and Market Structure, the PI team will ensure that all of your Regulatory and Market Structure concerns are addressed. More specifically, PI can help you with:
  1. Establishing a US broker dealer – Working closely with FINRA and the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), PI will establish a Broker Dealer that is compliant with all the regulatory rules associated with internal and domestic trading.
  2. Ensuring that internal policies and procedures are established to assure compliance with all rules promulgated by Federal and Self-Regulatory Agencies.
  3. Mock-Audit analysis – PI will prepare Broker Dealers for audits by Regulatory Compliance such as FINRA and the SEC.
  4. 15a-6 coverage and consulting - The SEC has recently taken action against some Brokers for their activity in the US covering research, solicitations and running conferences.
  5. Creating or Acquiring an ATS, ECN or other regulated entity – from CFTC to SEF’s
Additional support from a compliance perspective, the staff will facilitate this process by utilizing a multiple prong approach, such as:

- Develop and manage your compliance and operational workflows to efficiently complete subscriber onboarding, trading surveillance, regulatory reporting, and other relevant processes. As a registered Individual.
- Take ownership of your compliance and back office operations on a fully outsourced basis, allowing you to focus on growing the program and acquiring new subscribers.
- We can leverage your current platform or recommend the best technology stack to fulfill all your regulatory compliance and back office needs, both effectively and cost efficiently. The final recommendation typically integrates proven third-party solutions into your proprietary technology to achieve the optimal result. All our systems and databases are cloud-based, so your team has easy access day or night from onsite or remote locations.
- Calculating and filing monthly net capital computations
- Determining regulatory compliance & Perform Annual Compliance Review
- Maintaining and reviewing all related books and records
- Enhance WSP’s as the business grows and changes
- Documenting and managing the annual compliance meeting
Business/ Financial / Marketing Consulting

The diverse coverage of PI will ensure that all of your business needs are satisfied. The team at PI will assure that you are covered in the following areas:

1. Sales lead generation – the PI team has one of the largest Rolodexes within the financial CRYPTO world. Currently, the firm maintains a social network comprised of:
  • 220 Crypto Dealers around the world
  • Relationships with at least 25 Global Crypto Exchanges
  • 100’s of Foreign Institutions and Buy-side clients trading crypto
  • Access to all of the US majors
  • Access to the High Frequency trading community
  • And over 100 US Crypto Hedge funds
  • Note: we have sales efforts in Asia, as well as the United States

2. Technology and Trading Infrastructure - Developing the proper trading infrastructure needed to facilitate local and foreign business is never easy. With an array of service providers (from Fidessa, Bloomberg SEOMS, CRD, Flextrade, etc.) finding the “right” OMS /Trading structure can be costly and time consuming. Let the consulting team at PI guide you through this process. The PI team has developed and maintained multiple trading and fixed trading infrastructures and can accomplish the same goals for you and your firm.

3. Marketing Plan development – the PI consulting team offers solutions which accommodate a firm’s individual marketing strategy. We tailor each plan specifically for the firm’s direct needs.
Communication - Messages that will compel your target audiences to re-think your product or service and change their behavior. The most effective and cost-efficient ways to convey your messages to the most productive audiences.
Target Market – Determining the customers who most likely want your product. The segments you can serve most profitably. Approaches that will deliver higher margins. Ways to outmaneuver your competitors.
Market analytics - The specific behavior changes that will produce the business results you’re looking for. The best way to position your organization that clearly defines your differences, benefits and added value.

4. Social Media Marketing - It is essential for firms to utilize a combination of traditional and contemporary marketing tools, which will increase market awareness and ultimately revenue. The power of social media is essential to accomplish the business requirements needed by a foreign firm. A few of the social media outlets PI will utilize:
  • LinkedIn – posting daily within the firm’s created site to build brand recognition, trustworthiness and followers. LinkedIn is also a very specialized social media outlet that provides massive appeal to financial firms.
  • Constant Contact – the PI team has historically seen tremendous value in attaining a data base of clients and updating them regularly on a firm’s progress in the industry.
  • Twitter – many financial firms are linking their financial stocks, as well as corporate accounts, to Twitter. Although, not as immediate in generating leads as LinkedIn, Twitter has become a huge tool in increasing brand awareness
Corporate Governance

The team at Pi offers a full range of corporate governance services. corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and controlled. Boards of directors are responsible for the governance of their companies. The shareholders’ role in governance is to appoint the directors and the auditors and to satisfy themselves that an appropriate governance structure is in place.
The responsibilities of the board include setting the company’s strategic aims, providing the leadership to put them into effect, supervising the management of the business and reporting to shareholders on their stewardship. Corporate governance is therefore about what the board of a company does and how it sets the values of the company, and it is to be distinguished from the day to day operational management of the company by full-time executives.

Our services in corporate governance services are as follows:

  • Comprehensive diagnostics of corporate governance system, development of recommendations and assistance in their implementation;
  • Improvement of the risk management system and processes, including setting risk appetite, identification and assessment of risks, and elaboration of risk management measures;
  • Development of codes for corporate governance, business conduct, and other internal corporate documents;
  • Assessment of corporate governance as a part of preparations for an IPO;
  • Diagnostics of corporate governance at investment targets;
  • Assistance in ensuring the effective transfer of authorities to hired management;
  • Improvement of corporate governance processes at subsidiaries;
  • Assessment of the board of directors and board committees work;
  • Preparation of an annual or sustainability report based on global best practices, legislation requirements and the foreign stock exchanges requirements;
  • Assistance in meeting the regulatory requirements on corporate governance and information disclosure at Russian and foreign stock exchanges;
  • Comprehensive advisory services on information disclosure issues